If you’re looking at learning how to grow your blog traffic and building a real 6-Figure generating blog, then you must as a matter of necessity understand first of all what ‘Traffic’ is, where to find it and what to do with it. Here in this article, I’ll be giving you “My 13 Kill Strategies to Grow Your Blog Traffic” so you can start hitting at least $1,500 per month as a newbie blogger here in Nigeria within 2 months.
From time to time, people usually come to me in search of advice to help them grow their blog traffic. This is one major problem that most bloggers will continue to experience; and the moment you unmask the mystery surrounding this, you have unlocked the secrets to 6-Figure earnings online using your blog.
Irrespective of whatever niche you find yourself in or the techniques you employ to help you monetize your blog, understanding the science behind traffic generation and the ability to gain mastery over that is the only key you need to build a successful blogging career. If you cannot sustain the ability to make people come back to visit your blog over and over again, then you’ve failed. Would you like to create and monetise your blog? Then, learn how to grow your blog traffic
As a matter of fact, you don’t have any business! Traffic is the life-blood of every business; and if you fail to send traffic to your blog, then that blog is dead!
I’m sorry but no apologies. I love saying things just the way they are.
I’m sure you understand exactly what I’m trying to communicate?
As a budding blogger, this is one skill you need to acquire fast (how to grow your blog traffic) if you intend to record some impressive results fast. If you fail to master the art of traffic generation, you’ll soon start struggling in an effort to make money from every/ and any available opportunity out there online (trust me… that confusion is something you wouldn’t wanna mess with right now).
So, there’s no silver bullet to generating traffic online and making money except by mastering the very art of traffic generation. My advice is that you should focus on one traffic channel, master it and grow rich the legit way with that skill.
But unfortunately, you cannot find or know the most effective traffic channel/ method of traffic generation that is tailored to suit your need. The truth is: that no single strategy works for everyone.
Fortunately enough, you’ll no longer need to bother yourself again concerning traffic after reading this article (you too can start making money online like others).
So, I’ll be sharing with you right here and now the same strategies that I use to grow my blog traffic consistently.
This is an approach that I learned by merging different techniques together and using them to form something very unique to help me grow my business using my blog as a vehicle. I’ve tested it on my other blogs and I’m also using it to grow this particular website: https://theonlinemillionaire.com.ng several people use different techniques that work just fine for them; but you’re free to use mine and that’s why I’m sharing it with you.
Now, let’s get started let me show you exactly how I get results
Back When I Started – I actually kicked off with learning how to grow my blog traffic
When I started this particular blog in 2017, there was virtually no valuable content on it, no traffic, no product/s, no service/s, no social media following, no shares whatsoever! I virtually had practically nothing going on here.
I also had difficulties publishing quite often because I had other stuff to attend to and was just doing this on a part-time basis; secondly, I love taking my time to create some high-quality content that delivers real value to my audience; and I was doing that all along.
But then…
Some months ago, I lost everything. Immediately I got back from my wedding. All my content was gone, my entire website was gone!
So now, I’m rebuilding afresh and you can grow with me now (Aren’t you very lucky to be learning over my shoulders as I implement?)
From the very beginning, it was just me, my website and I; but as I continued creating content, the figures started increasing gradually (and I’m just about to share the same techniques that I used with you).
So basically, all you need is to find your readers and make sure that your content is top-notch so that when they eventually find you, they’ll keep coming back for more.
One very interesting thing about creating quality content that is properly optimized for search engines is that even when you’re no longer creating fresh content, it will continue to generate traffic organically and help you earn money the legit way.
In the light of this truth, I can tell you categorically that you don’t make money as a blogger simply by posting every day; neither can you grow your blog traffic by doing the same thing every day.
Content is like wine, the older it gets, the more valuable it becomes; and the more valuable it becomes, the more money it makes.
But then, if your old content must generate traffic for you, you must make sure it’s highly valuable and evergreen.
Apart from making your content evergreen, there are other very important things you need to do to help you grow your blog traffic faster and sustain your earnings. I have listed a few of them under these steps below on: how to grow your blog traffic.
How to Grow Your Blog Traffic within 2 months
1. How to grow your blog traffic Create Some Rich Evergreen Content
There’s no need to over-emphasize this; as I’ve said earlier, nothing compares to highly valuable, rich and evergreen content when it comes to learning how to grow your blog traffic. Nothing can replace it; and if you want to succeed in your quest to build a real business online, then you must give top priority to this.
In order to have some evergreen content that will be highly relevant for a very long time, you must focus your energy on creating content that majorly provides “Tips”/ or serve as “How-to” guides. See a perfect example of a “How to” guide.
Always make sure you put your audience into perspective when creating content. Create a perfect “Buyer Persona” and try to understand who that persona is, where they live, what they enjoy doing, their age bracket, sex, etc; understanding this will help you to create that perfect, evergreen content that will remain relevant at all times.
Focus on creating a solution by creating quality content because there’ll always be people with problems looking for a solution. Click here to learn how to create a perfect buyer persona.
2. Optimize Your Content for Long Tail Keywords
What exactly are Longtail keywords?
They are longer and more specific kinds of keyword phrases that visitors are more likely to use when they’re closer to a point of purchase or when they’re using voice search. Long Tail Keywords are a little bit counter-intuitive, at first, but they can be hugely valuable if you know how to use them.
To put it in a very simple way, they are basically ‘search phrases‘; and search phrases are majorly composed of 3 or more keywords.
Examples of Long-Tail Keywords:
(a). Someone who wants to learn Social Media Marketing instead of just searching for “Social Media Marketing Courses” would rather search for “Social Media Marketing Courses in Nigeria”. They can also decide to make specific the state where they reside by searching for “Social Media Marketing Courses in Lagos”. They can even structure it to come closer to the area where they stay by searching “Social Media Marketing Courses in Lekki”.
Instead of just searching for “Apartments”, employing long-tail Keywords will have you running searches like: “Cheapest Apartments in Abuja”, “Cheapest Apartments in Lagos”, and “Affordable Office Space In Port Harcourt”.
If you’re very keen on learning how to grow your website traffic consistently, one of the most effective techniques that you can employ is Long-Tail keywords. It’s very much easier because targeting with this very technique is more specific and makes competition lesser for the very keyword that you want your site to rank for.
If you want to rank fast for anything on Google, then focus your attention on Long-Tail Keywords.
Now the question… What is the easiest way to find Long-Tail keywords?
Google autocomplete is one powerful tool that you can use when searching for certain keywords (and by extension when searching for a Long-Tail keyword). For instance, if I want to rank for the keyword “How to create an eBook”, I can simply type in the search query into Google’s search bar, and it will return suggestions for other long-tail keyword terms based on search popularity.
See image below:
There are some other great tools that you can employ when trying to find relevant long-tail keywords and among the most effective is a tool known as SEMRush this tool is by every standard one of the most complete SEO suites available, and probably one of the best tools for keyword research and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Audits out there.
SEMRush is not difficult to use. all you need to do is to enter the Keyword or Website URL, and SEMRush will generate data such as Search Volume, Competition level and a rich list of Suggested long-tail keywords alongside their Metrics.
Immediately you’re able to figure out a long-tail keyword to target, and then you’ve done almost 50% of the job in creating gold-standard content.
3. Make Your Headlines Irresistible
One of the best ways to create viral content that will help you bring in a lot of visitors to your website is by mastering the art of crafting irresistible headlines/captions for every article you publish.
When people visit your blog, the very first thing they notice is your blog articles; and the major thing that stands out from your blog articles is your headlines. If your headlines are not compelling enough, there’s no way you’re going to command anybody’s attention; much more have them read from you and listen to what you’ve got to say.
Make sure that your content is not just interesting but be sure to crown all your content with a highly compelling title/ headlines to make them very appealing to whoever comes across them; that way you can easily increase engagement on your content and have people sharing your content on their own without anyone incentivizing them.
Making your headlines highly compelling is not a question of choice here. sincerely, you have no option; it’s something you must do.
Are you new to blogging? And you don’t know where to commence creating your content? Let me give you a few tips:
(a). Always put into consideration the first 5 results for the keyword you want each particular article to rank for; then the next thing is to…
(b). Craft a powerful headline better than those top 5 articles on the results page.
(c). Go to Google Adwords and copy the headlines relevant to the keyword you intend to rank for.
(d). Model your headlines to look similar but better than all of those (the reason for this is probably because they are already optimized for conversion).
Once you’re able to structure your headlines the right way; then be rest assured that almost 80% of all who come across your content must click on it.
4. Don’t Forget Images for Pinterest If you’re seriously thinking about learning how to grow your blog traffic
If you’re a blogger or new to blogging but unfortunately not taking advantage of Pinterest (probably because you’re not aware of how effective the platform can be in the marketing of your blog and the increase your blog traffic). then you’re flushing some huge money down the drain out of ignorance.
I really never paid much attention to Pinterest until I saw what my friends were able to achieve with it (crazy results I must tell you). So, in the light of the discoveries, I have also decided to replicate the same results having sat down to properly learn everything that I need to know about growing my blog traffic with Pinterest.
If 20-100 new followers per month mean anything to you, then you should consider using Pinterest for your blog marketing.
The most striking thing about all of these is that you can grow your website traffic organically (meaning you don’t have to pay a dime for it) it’s totally for FREE! Something you most likely won’t be able to do with most social networks (especially Facebook). Double your effort with Twitter and Linkedin by promoting your content using both platforms whenever you publish new content on your blog. You can also publish some old content there for a wider reach.
The most important thing about Pinterest traffic is that it doesn’t die in one or two days like Facebook posts or even 2-3 hours like tweets on Twitter. You’ll keep getting traffic from the images that you share even after a very long time; better still, other people will help you share your pins.
The truth is: Pinterest is a very powerful platform and I recommend it to you if you’re looking towards growing your blog traffic.
5. Add Social Sharing Buttons
One of the major ways to go viral and increase your blog traffic especially if you’re learning how to grow your website traffic is by adding a social sharing feature like “AddToAny Share Buttons” on your blog thereby making your content easily shareable.
However, you must be sure that the social sharing feature that you intend to add is very effective and with a very good rating; so that you don’t end up harming your website/ blog while trying to increase traffic.
Once you’ve identified the most effective Social Sharing plugin for your blog, the next most important thing you need to do is to identify the most ideal social networks for your audience and provide them with the necessary buttons to share your content across the provided social platforms.
Different share buttons work best for some specific platforms which work best for some specific markets eg:
#1. If you’re a Photographer or Fashion designer, then Instagram should be the platform of choice for you (which means you must have to add an Instagram button for people to share your content with).
#2. If you’re an Activist, then Twitter should just be it for you.
#3. As a professional writer, sharing your expertise via Facebook will be a very great option (that means you need to have a Facebook sharing button).
6. Build Strong Connections with Influencers
As a newbie, it’s really very difficult to build your blog up to a professional level alone from the scratch; matter of fact, blogging is not easy (but it’s a sure way to build a consistent flow of income immediately you master the ropes!)
However, there are pro bloggers with a lot of experience that can help you grow your traffic exponentially; and you seriously would need to connect with them to make your growth faster as well as get recommendations and mentions from them to help you grow your brand, be trusted by more people and make more money by so doing.
Understanding that there’s such a great opportunity in influencer marketing, how do you turn that to your advantage in order to have a piece of the cake?
It requires no rocket science. No matter how lofty influencers appear to be placed or how big people see some of them, the truth is: They’re still human beings, they have an email address, they have a phone number, you can meet some of them physically (If they’re within your location, you can reach them. So, go ahead and make that connection. Don’t allow fear to keep your growth stunted).
The truth is: Implementing the strategies outlined in this article is not going to be easy and let’s face the facts here; Blogging is not for lazy people or people without focus and a lack of strong passion for what they do. I have made a good amount of money selling my products & services via my blog just like every other successful blogger out there making money from their personal platform. So, if it worked for us, why not you? You can do it as well. All you need to do now is to follow this article and start. It’s never too late to learn how to grow your blog traffic.
Now, what must you do? You have to follow the steps that I’ve outlined in this article and at the same time, ensure you craft a winning article just like the one you’re reading now and then, link out to other articles written by influencers. Reach out to them and let them understand that you connected their work to your new work. Most of them will most likely share it with their audience (now, imagine your work being shared on the platform of an influencer with over 1,000,000 dedicated followers? and at the same time being recommended by the same influencer?).
You must learn to identify “Authority websites” around your niche.
An authority website is a site that is trusted. It’s trusted by its users, trusted by industry experts, trusted by other websites and trusted by search engines.
Connecting to authority websites by linking out to them via your articles is non-negotiable if you want to experience speedy growth in your blogging career. Another powerful reason why you must connect to authority websites is that they can help you to structure your content the right way for some explosive results (the fastest way to learn is by following authority websites and doing exactly what they do; so you too can get their kind of result). They’re also very powerful when it comes to helping you rank on the search engines.
If your article is good enough and deserves a share, the truth is: Many influencers will willingly help you to share it across their platform.
Another important thing is also your approach. How you reach out to them is up to you, I’ve found direct messages on Twitter, and email to work very well.
You can simply start by writing them a very simple email notifying them of a new post in which you’ve linked out to them and most likely solicit to write them a fresh article.
One of the most important reasons why you need to reach out to influencers is because it will help you to build new relationships with other professional bloggers who are getting results as well, and help you to increase your network. Can you now see that blogging helps you connect with people while helping other people? That makes blogging a powerful tool for communication and building bridges.
7. Do Not Neglect Internal Link Building
There’s no over-emphasizing this powerful truth: When it comes to blogging, link building is a very powerful strategy for optimizing your website search rank and also increasing your Domain Authority (DA); as well as driving some mad traffic to your blog.
It is very important that you master the art of getting backlinks from other sites to your blog, not only that, you can as well leverage the power of internal linking in order to increase your blog traffic and also direct traffic from your pages with some great SEO value to the lesser pages that are not doing too well so they can as well grow.
Another great reason to employ internal linking to your blog posts is that it helps your readers easily navigate your website by searching through connected lists of relevant pages.
However, there’s a guiding principle here if you must succeed. If you fail to adhere strictly to this principle, you might get it all wrong!
THE RULE: Ensure to always link to pages that are contextually relevant (that is related to the subject that you’re discussing in the post) and useful to your readers.
8. Respond to Questions on Discussion Fora
Another way to generate traffic to your articles is by visiting a discussion forum and answering questions there. My top discussion platforms for this are Quora and Reddit.
You can also search for Quora questions that are already ranking on SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) with the keywords that you intend to create your article on and then you can respond to the question or save it to respond to it later on.
A very significant percentage of your website traffic will be coming from these discussion websites and if that is true, then you should know exactly what it will cost you if you ignore these platforms- It will cost you TRAFFIC+MONEY
It is true that responding to questions on discuss platforms will open up ways for torrential rain of traffic to your website; but then, you must be very professional about it so that you don’t kill your brand online while trying to increase traffic for growth.
By all means, do not put yourself in that disadvantaged position where people will begin to see you as a spammer (more importantly, you wouldn’t want your account to be banned especially if you’re monetizing your blog as a business). Make sure not just to drop one of your links there and drop a response without any value.
9. Apply the Low-Hanging Fruit Technique
All of the steps mentioned in this very article form the major core of the Low-Hanging Fruit technique. You cannot talk about one and ignore the other. Together, all of them becomes the system that will deliver result to you as a Low-Hanging Fruit approach.
To get started with this approach, you must, first of all, begin to find keywords that your existing content is already ranking for on the SERPs pages #1, #2 & #3.
This particular technique can help you to increase your blog tremendously (that is if you follow it carefully).
You can use any of the available SEO audit tools to help you achieve this by checking search volumes, keyword density etc; to help you see a comprehensive list of all the pages that are already enjoying organic traffic, and you’ll also see the specific keywords that are bringing traffic to your blog. That way, you can rank the pages properly and start enjoying a mad inflow of traffic.
The results of that audit are your “Low-Hanging fruits” which are waiting for you to just pluck off the tree and eat.
For example, you can take the keyword “Make money with Affiliate Marketing” find out the position that it’s ranking for at the time of the search, find out what the monthly search volume is; and then go ahead to optimize your article for that very keyword (if it meets what you’re looking for).
In the same vein, you can also follow the same process to spy on your competitor’s keywords to know what exactly they’re ranking for and where they are getting their traffic from. You can then proceed to create content that is better than that of your competitors’ content and outrank them outrightly.
The Reason this is called The Low-Hanging Fruit Technique…
It’s just like a ripe fruit that’s already there, and just waiting for you to pluck it off and eat it!
It is very important that you understand this: When it comes to increasing your blog traffic, it’s your old content that will do that (not the new ones). So you have to give top priority to your old content because old quality content is Gold!
So, when you share powerful content, ensure you share it via all the available channels that you can access. If by chance you shared but it appears like it’s not getting the anticipated level of engagement that you would like to see on it, then you must have to optimize that content and make sure that everybody sees it and never allow the content to lose relevance- optimization is powerful when it comes to ranking your web pages.
Sharing your old content doesn’t only just help you fix traffic issues; rather when your content gets shared across several platforms again and again and again, search engines automatically pick up signals informing them that your content is top-notch and that people are very much in love with it.
So, if you’re very serious about growing your blog traffic and making money from that, then sharing your old, powerful content on social media is a MUST!
11. Optimize Your Website to Enhance Speed
One of the major factors that contribute to an exponential increase in your website/ blog bounce rate is your blog’s loading speed. Your blog loading speed is also a very powerful ranking factor for Google (because Google hates slow websites) and plays a major role in increasing User Experience.
People don’t have the patience for slow websites; in fact, it annoys them and makes them lose interest fast in your blog and most times would they’ll never wanna come back no matter how beautiful your site is.
If you’re using WordPress as your blogging platform, one thing you have to really pay attention to is your choice of theme. You might wanna go for super-fast and light SEO optimized themes (failure to do so will put a lot of unnecessary weight on your website’s loading speed, and this will have a very negative impact on your overall website). There are top themes that you can use to help you achieve that superfast loading speed.
12. Optimize Your Website for Mobile
You cannot talk about traffic today for websites/blogs without talking about Mobile Devices do you know why?
Don’t worry, I’ll tell you in a bit.
One of the major reasons for this is because Digital Marketing is now sitting as a valid replacement for Traditional Advertising models and mobile devices play a key role in Digital Marketing. In today’s world, most people spend more time on their tablets or smartphones than using a desktop to surf the web. So, If your blog is not optimized for mobile devices as a blogger, then I wonder what you’re doing.
Now, what is the first step towards optimizing your website/ blog (especially if you’re using WordPress as your blogging platform?)
The answer is quite very simple… you can start by using a mobile-responsive theme for your website/ blog bearing in mind that the majority of your visitors will be doing so via mobile.
13. Publish Guest Posts & Link Back to Your Articles
After creating that winning content, and long-tail keywords for your article, with also your social sharing buttons positioned properly in place, your next focus should be to start soliciting guest posting opportunities.
But the problem now is this…
What is the most effective guest posting approach in order to get more people to get to identify with your brand/ or understand who you’re; so they can trust you enough to accept you and engage whatever it is that you’re putting out there?
It’s quite super-simple, the easiest and most effective approach to this is by building connections with other pro bloggers and turning such connections into a great network for your brand so that you can start to gain people’s trust, admiration, respect and love through the recommendation of these “influencers” who are pro bloggers.
So, since nobody knows you yet, the most reasonable thing you need to do is to focus on making out time to write content on blogs that are widely recognized; while building your platform gradually.
Guest posting is a very powerful way to get backlinks, and that makes it a very powerful blog traffic growth strategy.
One of the most powerful reasons why you should seriously consider guest posting is because it’s a very powerful strategy to grow your blog traffic, connect with other bloggers and promote yourself, your blog and your brand.
If these reasons are not valid enough for you to take guest blogging as a viable option, then I wonder what else could fill that void and help you achieve that much-desired goal for your blog traffic growth in record time.
You can get started now. What’s keeping you? Why not get started by doing a guest post for me? You never know what might come out of it and the priceless connections you can build from doing so. I’ll publish you (so far your article meets my standard).
Go through these steps again and again, then repeat the process and watch your blog traffic grow astronomically over time. No price is too much to pay when it comes to learning how to grow your blog traffic… never forget that!
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